As someone who loves watching television, I'm always looking for ways to improve my viewing experience. One of

Featured Learning Articles
Learn how to be a doityourself pro or some interesting facts with our articles.

The Importance of Height for VHF Radio Antennas: Maximizing Communication Quality
What is VHF?VHF (Very High Frequency) radio antennas are essential components of communication systems, used in various applications

How To Make An Outdoor TV Antenna
Television reception has been somewhat of a hit-and-miss lately. Even though there are a lot of services that aim to

How to Make an Omnidirectional TV Antenna
A frugal hack to watching TV is making your omnidirectional tv antenna rather than buying one from a

Do Omnidirectional Antennas Really Work?
You may be considering buying an omnidirectional antenna and think their either a fad or a scam. Well

How to Properly Ground a TV Antenna (4-Step Guide)
When it comes to outdoor antenna installation, you must consider various factors. You’ll need to take extra steps,

Why Do my TV Channels Keep Disappearing?
Are your channels disappeared after you have already configured them? Are you trying to figure out why this

Why Is My Antenna Not Picking up Channels?
There are several reasons why an antenna may not be picking up channels, such as signal interference or

What is the Difference Between Directional and Omnidirectional Antenna?
Omnidirectional Antennas receive signals from all directions, while directional antennas receive the same from just one. But the
Its Antenna Month! Featured Guides
We spent about 20-40 Hours total on each guide and test each model to provide the best guides on the web!

Best Outdoor TV Antenna for Rural Areas
When you live in a rural area, TV reception can be tricky. There are even situations where local

Best Attic Antenna
Are you tired of spending a hefty amount on your monthly cable bills and want to try out

Best TV Antenna Amplifier
When you’re using a TV antenna yet aren’t satisfied with the quality of your experience, chances are you

Best Long Range TV Antenna
Buying a long-range TV antenna may sound like a trivial task. However, there are a lot of factors

Best Omnidirectional Outdoor TV Antenna
[toc]Choosing the best outdoor TV antenna requires keeping a few things in mind, especially when looking for an

Best Outdoor TV Antenna – 11+
Whether you’re looking to supplement your TV subscriptions or take advantage of live TV, an outdoor TV antenna
TV Antenna Reviews
Looking to get some live TV - Were here to help!
We have gone through and reviewed some of the best TV models and created guides to setup and how to choose the best TV Antenna including positioning, installation, signal strength and location.

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